Maskscara Social Media Policy
In an attempt to provide brand consistency in the social-media world we request that all resellers read and adhere to the social media policy below.
Sticking to our social media brand standards as a reseller is vitally important. These rules have been established to uphold consistency within the brand. With multiple unique resellers there has to be standards and guidance in place.
Remember that it only takes one reseller making one viral mistake that will have a negative effect on all resellers and the brand as a whole. Please be sure to adhere to all requested policies when conducting your social accounts.
With the social media landscape constantly evolving, the do’s and don’ts of social media etiquette for business will continue to change and updates to this policy will be communicated to you when necessary.
Please pay special attention to the Think Before You Share section at the end of the page, which is published here to protect you.
- DO NOT advertise yourself as a Maskscara owned store/ Maskscara division/ Maskscara Depot/ Maskscara Franchise /Maskscara Agent etc. Please at all time use the phrase “Maskscara Reseller” when advertising.
DO NOT create your own personalised hashtags using the name Maskscara or Mpop. We have established two ongoing hashtags #Maskscarano1brand #maskscarasa .
- DO NOT create any social media pages that contains the name "Maskscara" in it. For example Maskscara Cape Town etc. It is strictly forbidden.
DO use these tags in every post. Hashtags help people with online searching. These ongoing tags will boosts brand awareness and aids in the development and consistency of the brand.
- Maskscara Head office will not provide resellers free stock for use as prizes or promotions or trade gifts. Any stock needed for this purpose will be purchased by the reseller.
- DO NOT setup your own Maskscara reseller online store.
- DO share official Maskscara images and content that displays the reseller logo.
- DO NOT create your own graphics artwork to advertise sales or create announcements.
- We will provided resellers with an official reseller template that will enable resellers to add edits for any announcements or sale notifications.
- Resellers will have access to an approved official image drive library that we strive to keep updated on a regular basis. Video tutorials can be shared via our YouTube channel or TikTok account.
- DO NOT download and post Maskscara Facebook/Instagram image content that does not display the resellers logo.
- DO NOT edit any official Maskscara images by cropping or creating collage grids, removing logos, adding personal logos or text edits or adding filters and effects.
- DO ask for permission of posting any non-official nail photos. Permission could take up to 24 hrs to approve and approval is solely judged on strict content quality.
DO copy Product content text (this does not include images) into your posts. Content can be sourced from the Official Maskscara SA Facebook account, @Maskscara_Head_Office Instagram account or the Official Maskscara Website.
- DO stick to manufactures guidelines when advising on product use, warranty and operational guidelines.
- DO NOT use any internet/stock or other website downloaded images to advertise any Maskscara products or gel-it colour comparisons, this is strictly prohibited due to copyright infringement laws. A good rule of thumb is: If it’s not yours, and you don’t have permission, don’t post it.
- DO NOT advertise within any comment thread of any official Maskscara social media post. It is strictly prohibited. We strive to keep our social media etiquette our top priority.
- DO NOT post your selling content on platforms where self-promotion/sales are not allowed.
- DO post on industry related and other social media groups such as the Nail Tech South Africa Facebook.
- DON’T be a spammer. Keep everything in moderation. Flood/Spam posting on the group will lead to follower’s media feeds being spammed by a single account.
- Moderators on the forum will approve post on rotation to avoid page feed spamming of the same content. We do appreciate your patience
and cooperation in this regard.
- Interacting with your followers is key. Please be sure to respond to your comments and messages.
- DO be kind and courteous on social media. It’s important to promote brand positively. In the unfortunate event of dealing with trolls, spam comments or bullies we request you report them or block or ban them from your platform. Please note we do not tolerate any form of social media harassment.
- DO NOT engage with competitors in an inappropriate way.
- DO NOT slander, defame or brandbash any competing brands on any social comment thread or Facebook group or WhatsApp broadcast. This conduct will place the brand in a negative light and partaking in any online
situations that brings the brand into disrepute will be viewed in a serious light.
Think before you share!
Whether you “Like” it or not, social media has become a powerful presence in our everyday lives. With hundreds of thousands of Facebook status updates, tweets and overly filtered Instagram images posted every second of the day, you really have to think carefully about what we share. Sure, there’s not much to it if you are sharing that viral video of a cat dressed as a pirate, or if you are updating your friends and followers on whether or not you got your gym workout in for the day, for instance. But, it is important to know that a social media platform isn’t necessarily the place for you to say and do as you please; in fact, there could be some serious legal consequences for certain posts, uploads, and comments.
There are limits to free speech in South Africa. As the Constitution reflects: “The right does not extend to propaganda for war; incitement of imminent violence; or advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm”.
Can My Social Media Post Get Me in Trouble?
To put it simply: YES, if it is defamatory in nature, you could land up in court facing a lawsuit. Defamation can be seen as any wrongful, intentional publication of words or behaviour relating to another person that injures or demeans their status, good name, character or reputation.
What If I am Tagged in a Post that Could Be Defamatory?
You don’t necessarily have to be the person who wrote a potentially abusive post to face the repercussions, just being tagged in a message (you don’t even have to comment!) targeting someone else could still implicate you. In Isparta v Richter and Another 2013, the Richter posted a number of slanderous posts about his ex-wife (on Facebook and tagged his current wife, and the judge awarded the Isparta damages of R40 000, which was payable by BOTH Richter and his new wife. The point is, if you are aware of the fact that you are tagged in a potentially defamatory post, and you make no effort to disassociate yourself from it, you could be held equally liable.